When we last saw SAMCRO, some members were headed to jail after taking care of their adversaries in the IRA and the ATF. (Um, goodbye Agent June Stahl!) Season 4 time jumps a bit, with the boys leaving jail and Jax (Charlie Hunnam) sporting a rather dashing buzz cut. (Although Hunnam would look good even with a fright wig on.)
Season 3 had almost all the characters traveling away from Charming and trying to survive out of their element as they searched for Jax's baby, Abel. On his blog, Sutter wrote that the action will focus on Charming again in the fourth season.
"So far, the new season feels very potent. We're back in Charming, we're out of jail and we're making money," he wrote. "With that upswing, comes all the complications that success and power bring. Season four is all about the club. The personalities, the history, the alliances, the conflicts—the inside dynamics of an organized outlaw enterprise. Ego, greed, violence and fear reign supreme. I'm halfway through the cut of 401 and it's pretty [bleeping] badass."
We can't wait, sir. Check out the new promo for the season above, and the Season 4 poster below.
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